Today Toronto was hit with a ton of snow. It was one of those days where you just want to curl up under a nice fuzzy blanket and read a book or watch your favourite Christmas movie. Sadly I, like so many others, had to travel a fair bit on public transit this afternoon taking far more time than it normally would have. While I stood outside waiting for the streetcar with the snow soaking through my hat and boots simultaneously I couldn’t help but dream of getting home for supper and sitting down to eat this super comforting bowl of stew…..and that is exactly what I did.
Recipe adapted from Deborah Madison
serves 6-8
- 2 tbsp safflower oil or any other neutral tasting oil
- 2 onion, diced
- 6 medium russet potatoes, chopped into bite sized chunks, about 1 inch thick
- 1 package of sausage, about 6, chopped into bite sized pieces
- 4 cloves of garlic, minced
- 1 tbsp cumin
- 1 tsp coriander
- 2 tsp smoked paprika
- 1 4.5oz can chopped green chillies
- 2 cans of whole yellow tomato
- 1 L low sodium vegetable broth
- salt and pepper to taste
In a large dutch oven or pot, heat the oil over medium heat. Add the onion and cook for a few minutes, stirring frequently. While you do this, in a separate pan cook the sausage. I cooked them over med high heat for about 10 minutes in 1/4 cup of water. First make a few slits on each sausage and then cover. Flip half way. When finished drain and chop. Set aside. Back to the onions….now that they have softened add the spices, garlic, potato and chillies. Give them a stir and cook, stirring frequently for about 7 minutes. At this point you can add the salt, I used about half a tsp but feel free to use more or less. Add the tomato, sausage and broth. Using a wooden spoon quickly break up the tomatoes. Bring to a boil then lower to a simmer for about 30 minutes or until the potatoes are cooked through. Season with more salt and pepper. Before serving give the stew a quick couple of pulses with an immersion blender to make sure you don’t have any super large chunks of tomato in there, this will also help thicken the broth up a bit. Serve with a dollop of greek yogurt and some fresh flat leaf parsley. Enjoy!
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